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A face-to-face Technical Expert Services (TES) project on Productivity Measurement for Fiji was organized by the National Training and Productivity Centre (NTPC) and APO Secretariat, 3–7 July. Ninety-one participants from both the public and private sectors attended the sessions to learn about the successful implementation of productivity measurement tools and concepts.
Productivity measurement provides invaluable insights into an organization’s performance, areas for improvement, resource allocation, and the strategies needed to accomplish its goals. It enables organizations to find ways to work smarter to achieve their targets more efficiently and effectively.
The training sessions, facilitated by George Wong, founder of the Singapore consultancy firm Hoclink System and Services Pte Ltd., covered relevant topics in depth, such as productivity concepts, quality and performance measurement tools, service process and performance improvement, and a thorough review of the Fiji Business Excellence Awards (FBEA) framework, criteria, models, and methodologies. Participants were engaged in group exercises, case study analyses, and presentations to gain a deeper understanding of productivity measurement and its significance for continuous organizational improvement.
This TES project reflects the APO’s commitment and efforts to empower businesses through productivity measurement, emphasizing the transformative potential of productivity enhancement for sustainable socioeconomic development. The APO’s individual-country TES initiatives provide tailored, on-the-ground expert support to address specific productivity-related challenges and enhance institutional capacities, ensuring that member economies are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the rapidly changing global economic landscape.