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The APO Secretariat is pleased to endorse and cohost the Thailand Quality Award Seminar 2010 organized by the Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI), the country’s national productivity organization, at the Arnoma Hotel in Bangkok to commemorate the FTPI’s 15th anniversary.
The conference’ theme is Sustainable Competitiveness using the Business Excellence: Leadership and Innovation. Distinguished business leaders and quality award winners from around the world will share their paths to excellence based on leadership and innovation in the current economic situation at the one-day best practice seminar. Presentations will include those by representatives of two-time winner Boeing from the USA, Philips from Europe, and SSMC from the Asia-Pacific. The Executive Director of the Malcolm Baldrige Foundation will also make a special presentation on US success in public–private-sector engagement.
In conjunction with the conference, an APO Regional Quality Award Administrators’ Meeting with participants from 15 member countries will convene 15−17 December in Bangkok. One of the primary agenda items is the formulation of the next biennial goals to advance quality award programs and activities in the Asia-Pacific region after the 2007 meeting in Ulaanbaatar, which set the goals for 2008–2009. In addition, the APO Secretariat will distribute results of a regional survey on the impact of adoption of the business excellence framework conducted in selected member countries which will be the key topic of roundtable and workshop discussions. An APO publication is expected in early 2010 reporting the results of the survey and the proceedings of the roundtable discussion.
Click here to view the seminar brochure.