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The service sector is a key enabler of national economies, encompassing a broad spectrum of enterprises, including startups and SMEs. As emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and advanced interfaces become more accessible, services are being designed around customer needs, allowing predictable, seamless experiences. Service providers have shifted from providing manual services (Service 1.0) to online, automated services (Service 2.0), and now to self-service models enabled by mobile, wireless, cloud-based technologies (Service 3.0).
Considering the importance of service-sector productivity in national development, the APO organized a virtual training course on Service-sector Productivity Specialists, 10–12 November, in partnership with the Singapore Productivity Centre. This course included sessions on service productivity consultation models, building a brand story, knowing your customer, business financial analysis and productivity measurement, and reinventing business models inside companies. These topics were aligned with the APO 2025 Vision goal of enhancing the quality of the workforce.
Thirty-five participants, representing both the public and private sectors, from 13 member countries completed this course. Six resource persons, one from the Republic of Korea and five from Singapore, led the course sessions.