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The recent online workshop on Innovative Transformation for Lifestyle and Service Sectors, organized by the Singapore Productivity Centre (SGPC) and APO Secretariat 23–25 April witnessed enthusiastic participation from 22 delegates representing 13 APO members. Led by a total of four resource persons i.e., one from Germany, one from the ROK, and two from Singapore, the workshop examined crucial topics such as digital technology applications, sustainability initiatives, major sectoral innovations, and best practices in leveraging technology. The workshop aimed at understanding innovative transformation and its multifaceted components for productivity improvement, highlighting successful case studies, and exploring innovative strategies to enhance productivity in the lifestyle and service sectors.
Through engaging group work sessions and live polling, participants gained a deeper understanding of diverse cultures and regions, paving the way for sustainable development solutions and the creation of resilient business models.
“Through discussion, we had a common understanding of different cultures and regions for sustainable development in lifestyle and service sectors. The workshop gave solutions for certain issues and challenges we faced. We can develop a sustainable business model,” explained participant Tibethan Memisoglu from Turkiye.