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The APO promotes robust innovation ecosystems as key drivers of productivity. Innovation can only boost productivity if an effective supporting ecosystem is in place. The behavioral insight (BI) approach is an important policymaking tool as the public sector focuses on improving the design and delivery of more efficient regulatory and nonregulatory measures. The adoption of BI has spread in recent years, and in APO members Japan, the ROK, Malaysia, and Singapore, BI has been institutionalized to improve policymaking processes.
The Malaysia Productivity Corporation in collaboration with the APO Secretariat organized a workshop on Building Robust Public Policy Ecosystems through Behavioral Insights, 22–24 June. The workshop explored the BI concept and its applications, examined innovations in policymaking using behavioral science approaches, and analyzed best practices of BI applications and lessons learned in different sectors. The workshop was attended by 42 participants from public-sector organizations in 10 APO members. The sessions were conducted by resource persons from France, Germany, the ROK, and Malaysia.
Case studies from Malaysia and the ROK were shared to demonstrate how BI could meet the demand for effective, efficient government interventions through successful creation and implementation of public policies and services. The case studies helped participants learn how they could institutionalize behavioral science approaches in their own contexts, especially in making regulatory reform more efficient and effective.