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The APO Center of Excellence on Public-sector Productivity (COE on PSP) was officially launched at the 1st International Conference on Productivity and Innovation held in [Read More]
The APO, in cooperation with the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) and Thailand Productivity Institute (FTPI), announced the holding of the 10th Eco-Products International Fair 2016 [Read More]
Indian delegates visit the APO Secretariat to meet with SG Amano and senior officers as part of their Observational Study Mission on Zero Quality Defect Manufacturing [Read More]
Representatives from eight APO member countries gathered in Tokyo 23–27 November 2015 to look at cutting-edge technologies in solar and other renewable energy in Japan. Comprising [Read More]
The 56th Workshop Meeting of Heads of NPOs (WSM) convened in Singapore from 20 to 22 October 2015. It was attended by 35 NPO and agriculture [Read More]