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As the COVID-19 pandemic changes life and work, the question is how those changes will continue to evolve. Foreseeing what the future holds for economic development [Read More]
Natural calamities or situations like COVID-19 can disrupt fundamental systems including agriculture and food and endanger the livelihoods of workers. Farmers are essential workers, and it [Read More]
For the APO, promoting inclusiveness means engaging all in local and national productivity drives. This session will explore “inclusiveness” in the context of investment in education, [Read More]
Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era through digitalization and interconnected communications in all aspects of production. Turkey’s Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Organization supports [Read More]
Current APO Chair Dr. Ha Minh Hiep of Vietnam and Professor Chen-Fu Chien, Tsing Hua Chair Professor & Micron Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University, of [Read More]