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Turkish free zones have contributed significantly to sustainable development by facilitating export-oriented investment and production, enhancing FDI and technology transfers, and promoting international trade. The 18 [Read More]
To assist APO members devising strategies to develop enabling ecosystems for entrepreneurs, the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality of Vietnam (STAMEQ) and the APO Secretariat [Read More]
The Korea Productivity Center and APO Secretariat conducted a training course on Cybersecurity Management Systems, 16–19 May. The course gave an overview of the knowledge and [Read More]
An online workshop on the Aging Agricultural Labor Population was jointly organized by the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, ROC; China Productivity Center; and APO Secretariat, [Read More]
The 65th Session of the APO Governing Body (GBM) in Ulaanbaatar included a certificate conferment ceremony marking the accreditation of the Productivity Certification Body of Pakistan [Read More]