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Celebrating Lao PDR National Productivity Festival in Vientiane.
Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata visited Lao PDR, 23–24 November, to strengthen its productivity [Read More]
To address challenges faced by small farmers in APO member economies, the National Productivity Organization, Pakistan organized a four-day workshop on Improving Agricultural Productivity through Mechanization, [Read More]
To assist APO members in developing strategies to support youth entrepreneurship, the Korea Productivity Center (KPC) conducted a workshop on Supporting Youth in Entrepreneurship, 7–10 November, [Read More]
UESSB delegates from Malaysia and APO Secretariat representatives.
The APO Secretariat welcomed a delegation from USIM Education & Skills Development Sdn. Bhd. (UESSB), Malaysia, on 24 [Read More]
The International Conference on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA) took place 8–10 November in Tsukuba, Japan, with a hybrid format allowing more than 100 participants from 13 APO [Read More]