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21 Mar 2024

Delegates from the Republic of Botswana, led by Chief of Staff Sebetela (3rd R), with APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra (2nd R).

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) [Read More]

18 Mar 2024

In a significant move to support the adoption of sustainable energy solutions, the National Productivity Council (NPC), India, in collaboration with the APO Secretariat organized a [Read More]

18 Mar 2024

To address challenges in the agricultural sector in Lao PDR, the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise Promotion Agency under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (LNPO), [Read More]

18 Mar 2024

The Steering Committee for the APO Vision 2025: Pause-and-reflect Activity held a consultation meeting, 14–15 March in Tokyo, Japan. The committee, comprising members from Bangladesh, Cambodia, [Read More]

13 Mar 2024

H.E. Ambassador Major General Gotsileene Morake (L) with APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata.

In a significant diplomatic exchange, H.E. Ambassador of the Republic of Botswana [Read More]

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