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The Conference on Organic Agriculture for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development was successfully held face-to-face in Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 9–10 December 2024. Organized by the National [Read More]
The Commission for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ), Vietnam, and the APO Secretariat organized an online training course on Nurturing Creative Industries, 4–7 June. The objectives [Read More]
The APO Secretariat had the distinct honor of hosting Dr. Wempi Saputra, Executive Director of the Southeast Asia Voting Group of the World Bank Group, on [Read More]
The National Productivity and Economic Development Centre, Nepal and APO Secretariat organized an online workshop on Productive Livestock Farming for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 3–5 [Read More]
The China Productivity Center (CPC), in collaboration with the APO Secretariat, organized a face-to-face Training Course on Smart Manufacturing Specialists in Taichung, ROC, from 26–30 August. [Read More]