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17 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Agricultural Insurance: The Nexus between Rural Productivity and Food Security on 20 August 2020

Natural calamities or situations like COVID-19 can disrupt fundamental systems including agriculture and food and endanger the livelihoods of workers. Farmers are essential workers, and it [Read More]

17 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Agricultural Insurance: The Nexus between Rural Productivity and Food Security on 20 August 2020

For the APO, promoting inclusiveness means engaging all in local and national productivity drives. This session will explore “inclusiveness” in the context of investment in education, [Read More]

17 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on How to tap into Industry 4.0 for SMEs in Turkey on 18 August 2020

Industry 4.0 is ushering in a new era through digitalization and interconnected communications in all aspects of production. Turkey’s Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Organization supports [Read More]

13 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Top Talk on Productivity 6.0: Forging ahead with Smart Manufacturing on 17 August 2020

Current APO Chair Dr. Ha Minh Hiep of Vietnam and Professor Chen-Fu Chien, Tsing Hua Chair Professor & Micron Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University, of [Read More]

4 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on SME Innovation and Resilience in the New Normal on 13 August 2020

Disruptions by Industry 4.0, technologies, and trade wars were already causing the realignment of global supply chains, and economies worldwide were in a tailspin. The #COVID-19 [Read More]

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