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30 Jul 2020

The adoption of Industry 4.0 solutions, including smart technology, cyberphysical systems, big data, robotics, and more, has significantly accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Services are one [Read More]

28 Jul 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Never Stop Winning through Innovation-led Productivity on 6 August 2020

Philip Kotler once said, “Marketing is not simply a sales promotion tool. Rather, it should be used by corporations as a business strategy to fulfill their [Read More]

20 Jul 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on The Wicked 7: Solving the World's Most Urgent Problem on 4 Aug 2020

Christian Sarkar is the co-founder of the Wicked 7 Project, a design initiative to save humanity from itself. Along with Philip Kotler, the father of modern [Read More]

16 Jul 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Role of Digital Technologies in Agricultural Transformation on 30 July 2020

With the increasing global population, Industry 4.0 applications throughout agrifood value chains can help achieve food security. Blockchains, the IoT, and AI give farmers greater access [Read More]

16 Jul 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Policy Supports for SMEs Development on 28 July 2020.

SMEs make up the bulk of industrial and economic entities worldwide and provide the most jobs. As seen in successful economies, public policy support for SMEs [Read More]

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