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4 Jun 2020

The APO presents Productivity Talk on Startups and SMEs: Finding Your Way to Change on 11June 2020.

Some startups and SMEs have been doing well or even better during the current pandemic. This session is about how the entrepreneurs of TheDecisionLabs, Drivemate, and [Read More]

4 Jun 2020

The APO presents Productivity Talk on Using Strategic Foresight for Anticipatory Risk Management on 9 June 2020.

Global discontinuities such as the COVID-19 pandemic, US-China trade war, and Arab Spring can rapidly change the operating context for public- and private-sector organizations. These types [Read More]

4 Jun 2020

APO presents Top Talk on Technology and its Impact on Business and the Economy on 6 June 2020

Technology is critical in battling COVID-19. Digital Minister Audrey Tang of the ROC developed an app to check face mask inventory levels at a glance. Technology [Read More]

2 Jun 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk COVID19-Impact on Food Supply Chains in Asia on 4 June 2020

COVID-19 has hit global supply chains like a gigantic earthquake, with each aftershock as bad as the main tremor. The outward ripple effect has been devastating, [Read More]

28 May 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk_ We'll never go back to normal: Transform your business now!_2 June 2020

There are countless warnings to prepare for even greater economic hardship than during the Great Depression of 1929. Such predictions may not be exaggerated. Economic disruptions [Read More]

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