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2 Oct 2019

With the objective of assessing the various models and initiatives adopted by member countries to digitize their public sectors, the APO has started a research project [Read More]

1 Oct 2019

Climate change and extreme weather events, automation, and worldwide political volatility will drive changes in coming decades. However, these changes are difficult, if not impossible, to [Read More]

30 Sep 2019

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) announced that Dr. AKP Mochtan had assumed the post of APO Secretary-General on 16 September 2019 after being elected at the [Read More]

12 Sep 2019

Work plays a central role in modern life. Many social benefits are delivered through jobs, from the more tangible ones such as healthcare and wages to [Read More]

10 Sep 2019

Material flow cost accounting (MFCA) is a management tool developed in Germany which focuses on the optimization of resources throughout operational flows. It examines the use [Read More]

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