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19 Apr 2018

Energy management is fast emerging as the most important of the top three operating expenses of any industry, with the potential to help organizations meet the [Read More]

18 Apr 2018

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) will launch a self-learning e-course on Smart Manufacturing through its digital learning platform eAPO on 1 May 2018. The course will [Read More]

18 Apr 2018

PrintWe live in volatile times. Disruptive technologies, changing demographics, evolving work models, political upheaval, and a protectionist stance toward global trade, as marked by the UK [Read More]

6 Apr 2018

As part of its special program for promoting public–private partnerships to enhance food value chains in Asian economies, the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) held a National [Read More]

4 Apr 2018

To disseminate and share updates on Green Productivity (GP) and its impact on overall productivity among Cambodian government officials and industries, the Asian Productivity Organization (APO) [Read More]

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