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22 Jan 2018

As part of its Center of Excellence (COE) Program aimed at showcasing the best practices in a specialized area of a country to be emulated by [Read More]

18 Jan 2018

In a rapidly evolving employment landscape, the ability to anticipate and prepare for future skill requirements, changing job content, and their aggregate effect on employment is [Read More]

17 Jan 2018

The service sector, a major contributor to GDP in most Asian Productivity Organization (APO) member countries, is undergoing a major change with the emergence of newer [Read More]

17 Jan 2018

The Republic of Turkey officially expressed its intention to become a full member of the Asian Productivity Organization (APO). Minister of Science, Industry and Technology Dr. [Read More]

11 Dec 2017

Food loss and waste not only have global socioeconomic and environmental consequences, they also have negative impacts on farmers’ and traders’ incomes and the volume of [Read More]

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