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31 Jan 2017

A 15-member delegation headed by Commissioner Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. of the Philippine Commission on Higher Education (CHED) visited the APO Secretariat in Tokyo last week. [Read More]

17 Jan 2017

The APO is carrying out a technical assistance project for the Government of Pakistan in developing a productivity, quality, and innovation (PQI) framework. The “right setting [Read More]

15 Dec 2016

The APO recently organized a coordination meeting of experts in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 30 November–2 December, to discuss and finalize the framework and methodology for its [Read More]

14 Dec 2016

The APO is conducting a national conference and workshop on Promoting Public–private-sector Partnerships (PPPs) in Enhancing Food Value Chains in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 12–15 [Read More]

8 Dec 2016

The second session of the four-day e-Learning course on Innovative Approaches in Marketing of Agrifood Products, held 5–8 December for 120 participants from Bangladesh, India, IR [Read More]

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