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11 Oct 2016

APO Secretary-General Santhi Kanoktanaporn recently met H.E Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand in Japan Bansarn Bunnag during a courtesy visit to the Royal Thai Embassy. [Read More]

5 Oct 2016

APO Secretary-General Santhi Kanoktanaporn met Frank Hsieh Chang-Ting, Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Japan, on 3 October 2016.

During the meeting, the Secretary-General [Read More]

29 Sep 2016

The APO’s 57th Workshop Meeting of Heads of National Productivity Organizations (WSM) will be held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, 19–21 October. The agenda includes adoption of the [Read More]

21 Sep 2016

On 16 September, the APO Secretariat welcomed 11th Secretary-General Dr. Santhi Kanoktanaporn. He was elected unanimously at the 58th APO Governing Body Meeting held in Jakarta, [Read More]

9 Sep 2016

outcome-document_imageThe Asian Productivity Organization (APO) released the Bangkok Outcome Document based on deliberations at the International Asia EnviroEconomics Conference. The document calls upon global economies to [Read More]

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