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22 Jul 2015

1. group photo

Six national agricultural experts representing six APO members and two observers from 2 countries convened at the APO Secretariat for a Coordination Meeting: Research on Agricultural [Read More]

1 Jul 2015

Group photo-edited-DSC_5000APO Liaison Officers (LOs) and NPO representatives from 19 APO members convene in Tokyo on 1 July for a strategic planning exercise.

29 Jun 2015

SG at PAPA assemblyAPO Secretary-General Mari Amano addressing the Pan-African Productivity Association (PAPA) General Assembly Meeting on 27 June, which was attended by Burkina Faso, Botswana, Ghana, Mauritius, Namibia, [Read More]

25 Jun 2015

photoSecretary-General Mari Amano (L) visited the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna on 24 June to discuss possible APO-IAEA collaborations with IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano.

  [Read More]

5 Jun 2015

SG-at Cornell UnivSecretary-General Mari Amano speaking at the CIIFAD International Symposium 2015: Inclusive Economic Development. He also spoke at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management to [Read More]

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