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19 May 2015

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Delegates from Sri Lanka at the APO Secretariat during the Individual-country Observational Study Mission on Quality Customer Service through Productivity Enhancement on 19 May. (L–R): National [Read More]

13 May 2015


APO Senior Program Officer K.D. Bhardwaj enlightening engineering students pursuing Master’s degrees at Yokohama National University, Japan, on “Productivity, Economy, and Role of Engineers and How [Read More]

1 May 2015

The 57th Governing Body Meeting (GBM) of the APO opened in Bangkok on 27 April 2015. Fifty-six delegates comprising APO directors and their advisers from 18 [Read More]

28 Apr 2015

The 57th Governing Body Meeting (GBM) of the APO opened in Bangkok on 27 April 2015. Fifty-six delegates comprising APO directors and their advisers from 18 [Read More]

23 Apr 2015

SG with NPOHead IndiaSecretary-General Mari Amano (R) with APO Alternate Director for India and Director General of the National Productivity Council (NPC) Harbhajan Singh during a visit to NPC [Read More]

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