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1 Jun 2010

The new national productivity organization for Mongolia is now in operation.

Located across the street from the parliamentary building in the heart of Ulaanbaatar, the MPO [Read More]

26 Apr 2010

26 April 2010, APO Tokyo Secretariat

National Productivity Centre of Turkey (MPM) Secretary General Mr. Kerim Unal visited the APO on 26 April 2010, together with [Read More]

22 Apr 2010

20−22 April 2010, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

The 52nd Session of the APO Governing Body (GBM) took place in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, 20−22 April 2010. [Read More]

16 Apr 2010

15−16 April 2010

The two-day Expert Group Meeting on the Development of Competitive Strategies for Asian SMEs was held at the APO Secretariat in Tokyo on [Read More]

9 Apr 2010

7−9 April 2010, Tokyo, Japan

The three-day expert meeting for the Practical Guide on Knowledge Management for SME Owners/Managers started at the APO Secretariat in Tokyo [Read More]

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