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18 Jun 2009

The APO emphasizes the importance of creating multiplier effects from its projects so that the benefits can be shared with as many stakeholders as possible. Thus [Read More]

9 Jun 2009

The APO Secretariat received a special visit from students at Inami Junior High School, Toyohashi, Aichi prefecture, on 9 June. The five students on a school [Read More]

9 Jun 2009

Chairman of the National Statistical Office (NSO) of Mongolia Sonomtseren visited the APO Secretariat and met Secretary-General Shigeo Takenaka on 2 June 2009. During the visit, [Read More]

5 Jun 2009

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO), the sole international organization devoted to promoting productivity improvement in 20 member economies in Asia and the Pacific, will hold a [Read More]

15 May 2009

In an effort to support the productivity movement in Africa, the APO participated in the workshop on Productivity and Social Dialogue in Africa in Nazareth, Ethiopia, [Read More]

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