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19 Sep 2008

As part of the APO’s support for National Productivity Organizations (NPOs) productivity promotion activities, we are pleased to deliver information on the conference detailed below, in [Read More]

7 Aug 2008

The APO Liaison Officers’ Meeting, held at the Secretariat in Tokyo, 27−29 August 2008, brought together 22 liaison officers and senior project coordinators from 18 member [Read More]

3 Jul 2008

The Productivity Newspaper, published by the Japan Productivity Center for Socio-Economic Development (JPC-SED) on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of every month, carried an editorial [Read More]

19 Jun 2008

Contributed by Ms. W.A.H. Champa, Research Officer, Institute of Postharvest Technology, Research and Development Center, Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka, gains in yields are often offset [Read More]

9 Jun 2008

APO Secretary-General Shigeo Takenaka and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Chairman Teisuke Kitayama, accompanied by the local executive committee members of Eco-products International Fair (EPIF), paid a [Read More]

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