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3 Jan 2008

Contributed by Mr. William Lee, Planning and Operations Management Group, Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology

The study mission was coorganized by the APO and Japan Productivity [Read More]

21 Dec 2007

Innovation is a driver of growth and will continue to be so. It also contributes to boosting per capita income. The capacity to innovate is important [Read More]

20 Dec 2007

Trade in fruit and vegetables is increasingly becoming more complex. Aside from meeting the sanitary and phytosanitary requirements of an importing country, all parties in the [Read More]

12 Dec 2007

Venture businesses are rapidly increasing in number in APO member countries, generating a wide range of innovative and creative firms. These venture businesses are considered to [Read More]

12 Dec 2007

The Green Productivity (GP) concept is a strategy for productivity enhancement in tandem with environmental protection. Well accepted in all sectors, it is increasingly being applied [Read More]

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