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In a significant advance for the Asian Productivity Organization’s (APO’s) Accreditation and Certification Program, the Singapore National Productivity Organization Certification Body (SG NPO-CB) and FTPI Center [Read More]
To address sustainable productivity challenges in Pakistan’s gem and jewelry sector, the National Productivity Organization (NPO) Pakistan organized a project on Productivity Promotion for the Gemstone [Read More]
The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) organized a face-to-face training course on Gainsharing in Agribusiness Enterprises in Manila, 20–24 May. The objectives were to introduce [Read More]
An online consultation project was implemented by a resource person from the UK with the APO Center of Excellence (COE) on IT for Industry 4.0, 15 [Read More]
A face-to-face workshop on Need Assessment of APO Members in Public-sector Productivity was implemented 13–17 May in Manila by the Development Academy of the Philippines with [Read More]