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23 Jun 2023

APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra (L) delivering the Opening Remarks.

As part of the series of events commemorating the APO’s Diamond Jubilee, the Conference on Productivity and [Read More]

21 Jun 2023

The National Productivity Centre of Cambodia together with the APO Secretariat organized an online training program on the Development of Productivity Practitioners among the Youth, 30 [Read More]

21 Jun 2023

The National Productivity Organization, Pakistan and APO Secretariat, organized an online workshop on Reskilling of the Workforce in the Service Sector, 16–18 May. It was attended [Read More]

13 Jun 2023

A “high-performance culture” refers to a work environment that values and encourages innovation, excellence, and continuous improvement and where employees are empowered to perform at their [Read More]

8 Jun 2023

APO Secretary-General Dr. Indra Pradana Singawinata (L) and Prof. Toshiro Nishizawa, GraSPP, University of Tokyo.

Professor Toshiro Nishizawa of the Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), [Read More]

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