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Agrifood supply chains involve multiple stakeholders, materials, and steps. Stakeholders include farmers, processors, distributors, retailers, and consumers from different locations. The materials vary from raw materials [Read More]
As a regional catalyst, the APO builds the capacity of NPOs and other stakeholders to improve productivity in its members. The Development of Productivity Specialists is [Read More]
Due to cancer, stroke, etc., approximately 300,000 people worldwide lose their ability to speak every year. One way to restore the voice is with an electrolarynx [Read More]
SMEs are the economic backbone in most countries. The global pandemic has hit SMEs hard and forced many to go out of business. Consultant Tushar Sharma, [Read More]
A study showed that 1.4 billion tons of perishable food is wasted worldwide due to inefficiencies within food supply chains. Cold chains are a solution to [Read More]