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25 Mar 2022

Agrifood supply chains involve multiple stakeholders, materials, and steps. Stakeholders include farmers, processors, distributors, retailers, and consumers from different locations. The materials vary from raw materials [Read More]

23 Mar 2022

As a regional catalyst, the APO builds the capacity of NPOs and other stakeholders to improve productivity in its members. The Development of Productivity Specialists is [Read More]

23 Mar 2022

The APO Presents a Productivity Innovator on Syrinx: Voice-restoring Technology on 29 March 2022

Due to cancer, stroke, etc., approximately 300,000 people worldwide lose their ability to speak every year. One way to restore the voice is with an electrolarynx [Read More]

16 Mar 2022

The APO Presents a Productivity Talk on Postpandemic SME Regrowth on 22 March 2022.

SMEs are the economic backbone in most countries. The global pandemic has hit SMEs hard and forced many to go out of business. Consultant Tushar Sharma, [Read More]

11 Mar 2022

A study showed that 1.4 billion tons of perishable food is wasted worldwide due to inefficiencies within food supply chains. Cold chains are a solution to [Read More]

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