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This Awardees Special Top Talk highlights the advantages and key success factors of agricultural cooperatives. Dr. Isimeli Waibuta Tagicakiverata, APO Alternate Director for Fiji, leads a [Read More]
Inclusive engagement and shared prosperity are common goals among APO member countries. However, poverty among small farmers remains a common problem in the Asia-Pacific, and mutual [Read More]
This P-Talk highlights the role of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education in enhancing the productivity of the workforce of the future. Dr. Sawang discusses [Read More]
According to recent analysis conducted by Reports and Data, USA, the global service industry market is expected to grow from USD2.8 billion in 2019 to [Read More]
This Top Talk provides insights on how to become a world-class organization and how productivity drives the development and success of an organization. APO Regional Awardee [Read More]