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31 Mar 2021

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on New Toolset for Factory Productivity on 6 April 2021

It is essential for factories to improve productivity while maintaining decent working conditions. The ILO released the Factory Improvement Toolset (FIT) as a sustainable, scalable approach [Read More]

25 Mar 2021

The APO Presents Ethics of AI: Policy Guidance on 30 March 2021

AI technology has developed remarkably for applications to daily life and industry. Governments have also adopted AI in e-government systems to provide data-driven insights, while supporting [Read More]

17 Mar 2021

Towards Improved and Comparable Productivity Statistics (APO-OECD)

Increasing productivity is a central driver of long-term economic growth and higher living standards but in recent years its contribution has declined significantly in most countries. [Read More]

15 Mar 2021

UTS RectorAgriculture is the most climate-vulnerable sector of the economy, although the adaptive abilities of farmers and optimal utilization of resources can mitigate the effects of climate [Read More]

15 Mar 2021

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Design Innovation for Higher Productivity on 23 March 2021

Enterprise productivity hinges not just on output generated but also on the quality of the goods and services produced. Design innovation comes into the picture to [Read More]

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