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26 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Innovative Entrepreneurship to Power Our Future on 1 September 2020

For founders of startups or SMEs, attracting early-stage investment is much more difficult than later on. Incubate Fund, the biggest venture capital firm in Japan, has [Read More]

18 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Building Diversity and Innovation Experience in the Public Sector on 27 August 2020

Adopting a culture of diversity is important for public organizations. Many empirical reports show a positive relationship between diversity and innovation.

In this APO Productivity Talk, [Read More]

18 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Top Talk on Economic Development and Changes in Work Styles Post-COVID-19 on 25 August 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic changes life and work, the question is how those changes will continue to evolve. Foreseeing what the future holds for economic development [Read More]

17 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Agricultural Insurance: The Nexus between Rural Productivity and Food Security on 20 August 2020

Natural calamities or situations like COVID-19 can disrupt fundamental systems including agriculture and food and endanger the livelihoods of workers. Farmers are essential workers, and it [Read More]

17 Aug 2020

The APO Presents Productivity Talk on Agricultural Insurance: The Nexus between Rural Productivity and Food Security on 20 August 2020

For the APO, promoting inclusiveness means engaging all in local and national productivity drives. This session will explore “inclusiveness” in the context of investment in education, [Read More]

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