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19 May 2020

Emergency Basic Income in the Time of Pandemic_The APO presents Productivity Talk

As economies around the world are hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic, basic income as a means to guarantee social protection has become a more mainstream [Read More]

15 May 2020

Minimizing Disruptions in Manufacturing during the COVID-19 Pandemic_APO presents Productivity Talk

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting manufacturing and global value chains. While lockdowns, suspension of work, and travel restrictions are in place to curb the spread of [Read More]

12 May 2020

How Working Women's Lives Are Changing during the COVID-19 Pandemic_Productivity Talk by the APO

The COVID-19 pandemic is exposing the vulnerabilities of women in the labor force. The closing of many businesses in female-dominated sectors negatively affects women’s employment and [Read More]

8 May 2020

Feeding Billions: Asian Food Security during the COVID-19 Pandemic_Productivity Talk_APO

The current COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the entire food system. Restrictions on travel within countries and across national borders hinder logistics services, disrupt supply chains and [Read More]

1 May 2020

Surviving COVID-19, Preparing for he Post_Productivity Talk_APO

Ways of doing business are changing. Integrating methods, such as offline and online, local and global, as well as humans and machines, for the greater good [Read More]

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