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Develop the Personal Productivity Mindset for Growth

Dr. Ha Minh Hiep

5 September 2024

In an era when productivity is a highly valued measure of success, it is crucial to understand the factors that influence it. One often overlooked yet decisive factor is the personal productivity mindset (PPM). A mindset is defined as the established set of attitudes and beliefs held by someone. It encompasses the underlying beliefs and assumptions that influence how individuals perceive and respond to situations. Our PPM plays an integral role in shaping our productivity awareness levels. This concept has been deeply explored by Dr. Ha Minh Hiep, whose experiences and insights have profoundly shaped Vietnam’s approach to improving productivity. He outlines his PPM-influenced journey below.

I had the opportunity to study and work in Japan, where I earned a master’s degree and PhD and completed postdoctoral research. During my time in Japan, I was constantly puzzled by the question: why do Japanese workers, despite being citizens of a developed country with a high standard of living, work so diligently and with such discipline? This question stayed with me even after returning to Vietnam. It wasn’t until I engaged with the APO as the Deputy Director General of the Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) of Vietnam and Director of the Vietnam Productivity Institute that I began to find answers.

Through my involvement with the APO and collaboration with APO Secretaries-General, APO experts, and friends from National Productivity Organizations (NPOs), I realized that every individual has untapped potential and inherent inefficiencies, be it time-wasting, knowledge-wasting, or other resource-wasting. Recognizing and addressing these inefficiencies requires a PPM with several levels. This mindset is crucial not only for individuals but also for organizations and nations.

Vietnam’s history underscores the importance of mindset transformation. After gaining independence in 1945, Vietnam faced severe challenges, with literacy rates alarmingly low and widespread hunger. The government’s concerted efforts to combat these issues have been a testament to the power of collective mindset change. Today, the fight against inefficiency continues, with the productivity mindset playing a vital role.

Building a PPM is not a quick fix, nor is it the responsibility of a single entity. It requires the concerted efforts of the entire nation, including the government, organizations, and individuals. With the efforts of STAMEQ, productivity has become a main agenda item in Vietnam’s National Quality Infrastructure policy.

STAMEQ organized the National Productivity Forum (NPF) in 2023, a landmark event themed “Accelerating Vietnam’s Development with Productivity Momentum” with the participation of international organizations like the International Labour Organization (ILO), World Bank (WB), and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which marked an important development in PPM at national level. The government’s commitment has been reflected in significant policy decisions such as Decision No. 1322/QĐ-TTg and Decision No. 36/QĐ-TTg, which outline comprehensive plans to enhance productivity through science, technology, and innovation up to 2030. This plan has seen 43 localities implementing comprehensive productivity enhancement strategies based on scientific and technological advances. Major economic groups such as Vietnam Electricity (EVN) and the General Department of Defence Industry have also embraced productivity improvement plans, demonstrating a widespread commitment to this cause.

Developing human resources and training trainers is another critical aspect of Vietnam’s productivity journey. Vietnam is the second country to have a certification body become a CB under the APO Accreditation Body. This achievement did not come easily; I had to undergo rigorous training to become an international productivity expert. To achieve this status, one must have a passion for productivity and continuously learn from peers and APO experts. This journey has no finish line; changing the mindset toward productivity is an ongoing effort that spans five, 10, or even 50 years across multiple generations.

I have been a vocal advocate for making productivity a familiar concept across Vietnam. Outreach efforts include speaking engagements at universities and local forums to educate young people about the importance of productivity. Since 2023, these initiatives have included 30 seminars on productivity in universities engaging over 5,000 students, and 10 online training sessions involving more than 6,000 students and lecturers from 30 institutions. This strategic approach underscores the importance of a productivity mindset at all levels of society, including PPM, thereby highlighting the government’s dedication to fostering an environment conducive to continuous improvement and innovation.

My journey underscores the transformative power of PPM. Through strategic initiatives, education, and international collaboration, Vietnam’s SMEs are making significant strides in fostering a productivity-oriented culture. This ongoing journey highlights the importance of continuous learning, sustainable development, and the collective effort required to achieve lasting productivity improvements.

Above all, productivity must be seen as a vital element for the survival and prosperity of every individual, organization, and nation. In such a journey, the leadership and support of organizations like the APO and NPOs are crucial in spreading these values and culture to each individual, both in APO member economies and globally.

Dr. Ha Minh Hiep, Acting Director General for the Commission for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ) and APO Director for Vietnam, is the recipient of the 2024 APO Meritorious and Distinguished Award.

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