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Need for Productivity Enhancement in Local SMEs
Like all countries, Malaysia is heavily reliant on the SME sector, which contributes 98.5% to the national economy and accounts for 36.6% of GDP. With that vital role, it is imperative for the Malaysian government to support and sustain the growth and success of SMEs as a central engine for overall economic development and prosperity.
The impact of the pandemic on SMEs was profound. According to a survey conducted by Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), the outbreak of COVID-19 affected nearly 87% of SME business owners. Approximately 76% were compelled to close their physical premises and plants during the Movement Control Order (MCO). Thus, there is now an urgent need for productivity improvement among SMEs in Malaysia.
Becoming an APO-accredited Certification Body
The Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC), the National Productivity Organization (NPO), was founded to spearhead productivity efforts. It has developed numerous initiatives and strategies pivotal in national socioeconomic development.
In 2018, the APO initiated an accreditation program to expand its role as a leading productivity organization. The APO Accreditation Body (APO-AB) was established to enhance the capabilities of NPOs and empower them to conduct productivity certification programs by developing a pool of productivity professionals. The MPC Certification Body (MPC-CB) was quickly founded and underwent a rigorous training program to become the first APO-accredited CB on 14 September 2021. The MPC-CB now offers individual certification under the Productivity Specialists scheme in Malaysia, marking a milestone in the pursuit of excellence and national productivity advocacy.
The MPC-CB firmly believes that nurturing a pool of Certified Productivity Specialists (CPS) plays a crucial role in contributing innovative solutions to boost the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs. With more CPS in Malaysia, the MPC-CB is hopeful that its efforts will increase national productivity growth by 3.6% by 2025.
The main objectives of the MPC-CB are to:
“The MPC Certification Body’s vision is to be the most respected CB in Malaysia and among APO members in the future. For this year, the MPC-CB aims to create a community of productivity experts who can help industry, especially SMEs that were most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, increase productivity and competitiveness.”
Dr. Mazrina Mohamed Ibramsah, Head of Certification, MPC-CB
“This Productivity Specialists Certification Program, especially Tier 2: Certified Senior Productivity Specialist (SPS), gives me recognition and accreditation not only nationally but also internationally. In addition, I received excellent exposure to the vast world of improvement, which I can share with individuals, companies, and organizations around the world. I gained superb experience during knowledge-sharing sessions between countries. My journey to get this recognition and accreditation was also great because, through the questions and experiences that I’ve been tested on, my skills and expertise can be polished and highlighted. With this recognition and accreditation, individuals, customers, and other organizations have confidence in me to offer services to increase productivity and achieve profit targets.”
Khairul Azwan Bin Jamaludin, MPC-CB CPS, FGV Holdings Berhad
“The main reason I joined the MPC-CPS is that this program offers various benefits. This program will improve my career and help me network in the productivity circle. During my journey in the MPC-CPS, I have been given the opportunity to connect with several productivity specialists and productivity experts in Malaysia. After completing the program, I understand more about the roles of a productivity specialist and can share the knowledge of this program with participants in my training sessions.”
Muhammad Afiq Bin Masri, MPC-CB CPS, FGV Holdings Berhad
Source: The APO Footprint: Mapping Success One Step at a Time