Opportunities » Careers@APO


Based in Tokyo, Japan, the APO Secretariat invites applicants from member countries to join its highly motivated team of professionals working to enhance productivity in the Asia-Pacific region.


Positions Open at the Secretariat

1. Finance Officer (Deadline extended)

2. Executive Support Officer

Classification Professional Category
General Requirements

· A citizen of an APO member economy

· Strong analytical abilities

· Excellent interpersonal and communication skills in multicultural environments and international settings

Detailed Requirements Please click on the specific link above for details on the roles and responsibilities as well as required qualifications and experience.
Workplace APO Secretariat, Tokyo, Japan (https://www.apo-tokyo.org/contactus/).
Remuneration A competitive salary to be determined based on experience and the APO salary scale.
Term of Appointment Fixed-term appointment for two years, with the possibility of reappointment at the end of the term conditional upon satisfactory performance and organizational needs.
Application Procedures

Please complete the APO application form and send it with a cover letter in English stating the position you are applying for, why you are applying, and how you may be qualified for the position.

No supporting documents, such as copies of certificates, letters of reference, publications, or writing samples, should be submitted at this stage. They will be required only for the shortlisted candidates later.

Applications must reach the APO Secretariat via e-mail to the following addresses:

Submission deadline 23:59 (Japan Standard Time), 4 April 2025

Finance Officer: HR-D@apo-tokyo.org
Executive Support Officer: HR-E@apo-tokyo.org

Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. Only those who are shortlisted will be contacted. Application documents will not be returned.

Contact Administration Division
Asian Productivity Organization

Finance Officer: HR-D@apo-tokyo.org
Executive Support Officer: HR-E@apo-tokyo.org


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