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Year of Joining 1961
APO Director Dr. Arsenio M. Balisacan, Secretary, National Economic and Development Authority
APO Alternate Director Ms. Magdalena L. Mendoza, Officer-in-Charge, Development Academy of the Philippines
NPO Head Ms. Magdalena L. Mendoza, Officer-in-Charge, Development Academy of the Philippines
APO Liaison Officer Mr. Armand Tristan R. Suratos, Head, APO/DAP Secretariat, Development Academy of the Philippines
Name of NPO Development Academy of the Philippines
Address Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP)
DAP Bldg., San Miguel Ave., Ortigas Center, Pasig City, Philippines
Phone 63-2-8631-2126
Email suratosat@dap.edu.ph, apodapsec@dap.edu.ph
Website www.dap.edu.ph
NPO Established 1973
  The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP) is a government-owned and -controlled corporation established in 1973, with the original charter created by Presidential Decree 205, amended by Presidential Decree 1061, and further amended by Executive Order 288.


  1. To foster and support the development forces at work in the nation’s economy through selective human resources development programs, research, data collection, and information services, so that optimization of wealth may be achieved in a manner congruent with the maximization of public security and welfare;
  2. To promote, carry out, and conduct scientific, interdisciplinary, policy-oriented research, education, training, consultancy, and publication in the broad fields of economics, public administration, and political and social sciences, generally involving the study, determination, interpretation, and publication of economic, political, and social facts and principles bearing upon development problems of local, national, or international significance; and
  3. To discharge a regional role in initiating and catalyzing exchanges of ideas and expertise on development activities in the region of Asia and the Pacific.
    For more information, please visit: www.dap.edu.ph
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