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The APO established the AB in 2018 as an impartial entity within the Secretariat, and an Accreditationand Certification Program was identified as an activity to raise the APO’s visibility as a leadingproductivity organization. Recognizing the competency and credibility of NPOs or their affiliates asAPO-accredited CBs will build APO brand awareness, cultivate and expand a community of experts,and strengthen APO leadership in the area of productivity.
The APO-AB Council was set up by the Secretariat in 2019 to ensure the APO-AB’s alignment withinternational requirements for ABs. The APO-AB Council is composed of representatives of NPOs,government officials, national CBs, industry organizations, and the APO Secretary-General as the ex-officio head. The AB Council serves as the highest authority to review progress, providerecommendations on improving management, and set future directions of the APO-AB. The AB Councilconvenes an annual meeting to discuss the progress of the APO-AB, development and accreditationstatus of CBs, and other matters related to the Accreditation Program.
The terms of current APO-AB Council members who served from 2019 to 2022 have expired, and theSecretariat invites member countries to submit nominations for their replacements. Upon receivingnominations, the Secretariat will make selections for final approval by the Governing Body. Thecomposition of the APO-AB Council for 2023–25 is outlined in item 3.
Upon confirmation by the Governing Body, new members will be invited to attend the annual APO-ABCouncil meeting. Since 2019, this annual meeting has been held to review efforts to enhance thecapabilities of NPOs and their current development progress as CBs, standard procedures of the APO-AB, accreditation status of CBs, and future directions of the APO Accreditation Program. The 5thannual meeting is scheduled to be held 15–16 March 2023 in Mongolia.
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