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APO LOs play crucial roles in coordinating APO programs and projects which may later determine the quality of deliverables as well as the achievement of objectives. LOs handle all correspondence on nominations of project participants and experts on behalf of the government and arrange for project implementation. With pandemic-related travel restrictions gradually loosening, making possible the resumption of face-to-face (F2F) APO projects, an F2F LO Meeting (LOM) to reinvigorate the link between NPOs and the Secretariat in 2023 will be beneficial.
The LOM was a biannual event pre-COVID-19. The last F2F LOM in 2019 in Tokyo primarily focused on recommendations that evolved through group exercises among participants and introduction of theERP system with hands-on practice. This LOM will continue to address the capacity development ofLOs as discussed at the 63rd Session of the Governing Body in June 2021. To follow up the endorsement of the 63rd WSM held in Bangkok in October 2022, this LOM will mainly discuss the F2F modality of projects in 2023 and give updates on procedures related to COVID-19 in each member country. In addition, the use of the improved ERP system for project management and preliminary project planning for 2024/2025 will be discussed.
Smooth, efficient coordination of and procedures for 2023 projects are among the intended objectives of the LOM. Exchanging information and initiatives for the improvement of project follow-up and monitoring are other goals.
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