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COP26 adopted the Glasgow Climate Pact 2021 as part of efforts to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5°C. While it focused on mitigating emissions, adaptation to climate change, financing, and collaboration, the recently concluded COP27 reaffirmed commitments to limit the temperature rise. It went a step further through an agreement to provide “loss and damage” funding to countries facing adverse impacts of climate change. India assumed G20 presidency in 2023 with the motto of “One earth, One family, One future,” emphasizing the value of all life forms. This is in synergy with the government initiative known as Mission Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE) to create a cleaner, greener, bluer future launched in October 2022. For several decades, the APO has been conducting activities related to environmental protection. The Green Productivity (GP) concept developed by the APO provides industry a framework for simultaneous improvement of productivity, quality, and profitability with the least environmental impact.
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