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Development of Productivity Specialists

The APO assists its members in productivity efforts by developing national productivity master plans and institutional capacity-building programs and strengthening National Productivity Organiations (NPOs) for addressing challenges, including postpandemic revival, and contribute to sustainable socioeconomic development through enhancing productivity. To support these critical initiatives, the APO develops productivity practitioners in its members.

The Development of Productivity Specialists is an APO flagship program to inculcate knowledge and skills and build capabilities of candidates to undertake and lead productivity improvement programs at the organizational level. This course aims to develop the capacity of NPO professionals and equip them with knowledge of the latest techniques and productivity tools for improving productivity in organizations. Qualified productivity practitioners are expected to assist in national productivity drives for sustainable socioeconomic development.

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Date 06 November 2023 -
17 November 2023
Organizer Malaysia Productivity Corporation
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