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Multicountry Observational Study Mission on Digital Innovation for SMEs

Digital upgrading has become indispensable for SMEs’ productivity and competitiveness in the constantly changing business environment. According to a WEF report in 2023, SMEs acknowledge the importance of digital technologies and the innovation induced, yet the majority face challenges in mobilizing financial and human resources, accessing suitable technologies and infrastructure, effectively using data, and maximizing the value of digitalization. Sharing suitable strategies and good practices at both national and corporate levels can help SMEs in APO members identify practical steps to initiate, implement, and sustain digital upgrading and innovation.

The ROC has been proactively facilitating SME digital transformation in the region as the APO Center of Excellence on Smart Manufacturing and via other international bodies such as the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. This study mission will provide an opportunity to observe the ROC’s strategies for and good practices of digital innovation for SMEs.

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Date 06 November 2024 -
08 November 2024
Republic of China
Organizer China Productivity Center
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