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Harnessing the benefits of the digital economy has become an imperative for innovation, growth, productivity, and social prosperity (OECD 2016, Innovation and the Digital Economy). Technologies, smart applications, and other innovations in the digital economy are being widely promoted to improve services in a wide range of areas, including health, agriculture, public governance, taxation, transport, education, and the environment.
Digital technology adoption is evident across Asia. Applications for online purchase, transportation, and delivery services are widely used and changing the retail landscape, urban transport, and other services. The impacts of the digital revolution on the economy are vast and continuing to grow. Among APO members, the Republic of Korea (ROK) has recently adopted the Digital New Deal policy to improve the investment and regulatory environment supporting the digital economic transformation, thereby widening and deepening digitalization progress in the country.
This observational study mission aims at enabling participants from targeted members to undertake onsite study of the experiences, best practices, policies, and strategies of innovation adoption in organizations and public services in the ROK to enhance their productivity performance in the digital economy.
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