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The APO Productivity Outlook 2022 reported that the spread of COVID-19 had affected the productivity of the manufacturing sector in most APO members. For example, manufacturing productivity in Japan fell by 14.2% in the second quarter of 2020 from the previous year, while the ROK experienced a 4.2% drop in the second quarter of the same year. The report also noted that sales and employment had fallen among firms in India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Overall, the pandemic has had negative impacts on manufacturing in the Asia-Pacific.
Transforming business operations by leveraging digital technologies has become indispensable for companies to survive the pandemic. Strict measures imposed by governments such as movement control orders and mandatory quarantines forced many companies to turn to digitization. However, according to a study by the ASEAN Innovation Business Platform (AIBP) and Oracle in 2021, almost half of manufacturing companies in ASEAN region fell behind the industry average in adopting digital technologies.
Considering that the manufacturing sector contributes more than 20% of GDP in most countries in this region, accelerating digital adoption will be necessary for postpandemic economic recovery. This course will guide participants in the necessary steps and approaches for small companies to start their digitalization journeys.
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