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Public-sector organizations have had to transform in response to rapid changes and uncertainties. As a result of complex new challenges, management of public services requires greater skills to guide the future course of public-sector organizations. These skills, in essence, are strategic management. They comprise deploying organizational capacity efficiently and managing performance to achieve the desired goals and higher productivity.
Major new issues facing public-sector organizations include aligning policies across organizations to meet strategic objectives and public expectations, anticipating and planning for future needs, and redeploying resources quickly as needs change. The OECD Public Service Leadership and Capability Report (2019) states that a good strategic orientation follows the principle of a long-term, strategic, systematic approach involving setting directions and priorities, ensuring alignment with organizational planning processes, and selecting appropriate indicators to monitor progress.
This training course aims at enabling participants to learn new management approaches in the public sector and the expertise required to anticipate and plan for future needs through strengthened strategic management capabilities.
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