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Workshop on Innovations in Public Service Delivery

The role of the public sector is to provide quality services and respond to citizens’ and businesses’ needs while developing and maintaining trust in government. In an era of digital governance, IT, the internet, mobile devices, and social media have transformed public service organizations, management, and delivery. The public sector must continue to meet diverse demands from citizens through its services. Revamping public service delivery ensures that governments are agile, equipped with crisis management protocols, and have essential data and intelligence for effective, efficient action.

This workshop will examine approaches to revolutionizing service delivery, emphasizing creating solutions that align with citizens’ needs, improving efficiency, promoting inclusivity, and meeting evolving expectations. Case studies of successful innovations in service delivery will highlight best practices to inspire and inform other public-sector entities.

For more details please click on PN.

Date 11 June 2024 -
13 June 2024
Republic of Korea
Organizer Korea Productivity Center and APO Secretariat
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