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Workshop on Sustainable Food Systems

According to the UN FAO, SFS deliver food security and nutrition for all while ensuring that the economic, social, and environmental bases for future generations are not compromised. An SFS lies at the heart of the SDGs, which call for major transformations in agriculture and food systems to end hunger, achieve food security, and improve nutrition by 2030. To meet the SDGs, the global food system must be reshaped to be more productive, inclusive of poor and marginalized populations, environmentally sustainable and resilient, and able to deliver healthy, nutritious diets to all.

Many Asian countries face difficulties in promoting environment-friendly, sustainable farming due to a lack of information and skills, resources, infrastructure, and policy and support systems. They also face challenges in establishing sustainable supply chains and reducing waste. This workshop is an effort to address such difficulties through SFS.

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Date 26 August 2024 -
29 August 2024
Organizer National Productivity Organisation, Bangladesh
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