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This area emphasizes the need for productivity to take center stage in national development planning agendas
1. Smart Transformation |
2. Quality of the Workforce |
3. Green Productivity |
Enabling enterprises to transform their business models and become more competitive through the introduction of new, innovative methods including technology, insights, tools, techniques, etc. | Enhancing the skills and competencies of the workforce by preparing for future work with productivity improvement knowledge as the primary input. | Intensifying applications of GP through the development of frameworks as well as new tools, techniques, and implementation methods. |
This area focuses on innovation as the key driver for productivity
1. Robust Ecosystem & Regulatory Framework |
2. Innovation Capability |
Supporting an enabling regulatory environment and conditions to boost business dynamism and stimulate innovation for long-term productivity growth and sustainable development. | Facilitating or enhancing the innovation capability of APO members and organizations by promoting an innovation culture, generating ideas, undertaking commercialization of R&D results, etc. |
This area emphasizes the engagement of all segments of society in the productivity movement and the equitable distribution of wealth
1. SME Development |
2. Broad-based Engagement |
3. Productivity Gainsharing |
Enhancing the productivity of SMEs and the informal sector. | Enabling widespread participation in and commitment to the productivity movement focusing on women and persons with disabilities, and marginalized groups. | Promoting concepts and practices leading to the equitable distribution and sharing of the results of productivity gains. |
This area aims at strengthening the APO’s role
1. Accreditation
2. Digital-learning Platform |
3. Research & Program Development |
4. Centers of Excellence |
A robust program for formal, independent verification that NPOs or their affiliates comply with the quality standards set by the APO Accreditation Body for carrying out conformity assessments as Certification Bodies of productivity-related certification scheme(s). | Utilizing digital platforms and social network services to deliver content on current and emerging trends related to the productivity movement. | Scanning and identifying emerging ideas and trends related to productivity in various sectors, analyzing the needs and requirements of member countries, and providing the basis for new program development. | Recognizing and strengthening the capability of selected members that can serve as regionwide learning centers on key areas critical to productivity improvement activities. |
This area aims to foster greater collaboration among NPOs and strengthen partnerships with key stakeholders and networks of experts to assist APO members in formulating strategic changes for enhanced productivity and competitiveness
1. Bilateral Cooperation between NPOs |
2. Individual Observational Study Missions |
3. Specific National Program |
Facilitating greater cooperation among NPOs on areas of mutual interest and strengthening their networks. | Enabling NPOs and other stakeholders to increase their competitiveness by gaining new knowledge, insights, and ideas from other APO members. | Assisting APO members in developing productivity master plans and innovation roadmaps as part of national development agendas. |
4. Technical Expert Services |
5. Demonstration Companies |
6. Certification Body Development |
Providing technical assistance to APO members to meet specific needs and requirements for enhancing productivity. | Establishing demonstration companies that can serve as models for adopting productivity improvement techniques by others in APO members. | Assisting NPOs in complying with the requirements to become certification bodies. |
This area aims to assist APO members in formulating strategic changes for enhanced productivity and competitiveness
1. Specific National Program |
2. Technical Expert Services |
3. Demonstration Companies |
Assisting APO members in drafting productivity master plans and innovation roadmaps as part of national development agendas. | Providing technical assistance to APO members to meet specific needs and requirements for enhancing productivity | Establishing demonstration companies that can serve as models for adopting specific productivity improvement techniques by others in APO members. |