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Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a Japanese quality control statistician, invented the fishbone diagram. It is often also referred to as the Ishikawa diagram. The fishbone diagram is [Read More]

A flow chart is one of the seven basic tools of quality control, which include the histogram, Pareto chart, check sheet, control chart, cause-and-effect diagram, and [Read More]

The food chain approach is a holistic method to ensure food safety along the entire food chain. This approach requires all actors in the food chain [Read More]

Good agricultural practices (GAP) refers to the package of recommendations and available knowledge to address environmental, economic, and social sustainability for on-farm production and postproduction processes [Read More]

Green Productivity (GP) is a concept that evolved to address the growing concern of consumers and stakeholders of business communities. Alarmed by ever-increasing negative impacts of [Read More]

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