Opportunities » Procurement Notice

Procurement Notice 

The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) invites proposals for upcoming projects. Detailed RFP documents for each project, including requirements, and submission guidelines are available below.

1. AI Adoption for Productivity Improvement in the Public Sector

2. Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Nepal

3. Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Mongolia


Request for Proposals (RFP)
Objectives Request for Proposals (RFP)
AI Adoption for Productivity Improvement in the Public Sector


Analyze the AI landscape in APO public sectors via domain-specific scenarios; develop sector-specific frameworks for effective AI implementation while identifying agency challenges in public acceptance; and offer preliminary frameworks to enhance productivity through qualitative and quantitative improvements that integrate data sovereignty, ethical/legal safeguards, and robust data governance.

For more details, please see the PN and Implementation Procedures.


The adoption and effective use of AI vary significantly among public-sector organizations in APO members. Public agencies face unique challenges in data governance, cross-border regulation of global platform providers, and ethical and legal dilemmas that lack straightforward solutions. 

A November 2024 study by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University found that a quarter of US civil servants use generative AI for work-related tasks, providing a valuable benchmark for APO economies, where challenges stem from the lack of tailored frameworks, sector-specific expertise, and strategic knowledge. Enhancing productivity in the public sector requires not only technical innovations but also active public engagement and understanding. 

Building on Vision 2025’s emphasis on technological advances and using AI to enhance productivity, this research leverages past initiatives to elevate technological literacy and public-sector productivity in selected advanced and emerging economies.

Purpose AI enhances efficiency and productivity in public-sector services. However, many APO members have limited expertise, inadequate frameworks, and issues of data sovereignty, ethical/legal safeguards, and data governance. This project bridges those gaps with sector-specific tools and frameworks for effective AI adoption for transparent, accountable, sustainable improvements in public service delivery.
Scope of Work In-depth analysis of the public-sector AI landscape; Sector-specific AI frameworks for the public sector (e.g., administrative services, healthcare, education, and social welfare); Challenges in AI adoption in government agencies; and Utilization of AI technologies to improve public-sector productivity including data governance, cross-border regulation, and ethical safeguards.
Proposals should include the following information

1. Cover letter of interest (Annex 1)

2. Basic organizational details (Annex 2)

3. Profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page)

4. Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3)

5. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services.

5.1  Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

5.2  All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

5.3  All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

1. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 25 April 2025 to tislam@apo-tokyo.org and myoshida@apo-tokyo.org.

2. The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Conducting Research on AI Adoption for Productivity Improvement in the Public Sector by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

1. The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

1.1. Methodology of research

1.2. Prior experience in conducting similar research

1.3. Quality of prior publications

1.4. Research quotation

2. Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

1. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution.

2. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution of the grounds for such decisions.

3. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution. 

Terms and Conditions

1. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

2. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, should submit its queries in writing only to the following email address:

Multicountry Programs Division 2
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: tislam@apo-tokyo.org and myoshida@apo-tokyo.org



Request for Proposals (RFP)
Objectives Request for Proposals (RFP)
Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Nepal  

Assist the Government of Nepal in developing a national productivity master plan; develop a sustainable productivity improvement strategy to support economic growth and transition from least developed country to developing country status; and establish national mid- to long-term productivity goals and targets, including strategies and initiatives within a 10-year time frame (FY 2025–34).

For more details, please see the PN and Implementation Procedures.


The Nepalese economy is predominantly driven by agriculture, with agricultural employment accounting for the second-largest share of total employment among APO economies (APO, 2020). While labor productivity growth has been driven primarily by capital deepening, gains from total factor productivity remain limited.

Nepal is undergoing a transition from an agriculture-based economy to one increasingly driven by the service and industrial sectors. This structural transformation presents opportunities for economic diversification but also introduces significant challenges that hinder productivity and economic growth.

To sustain and accelerate productivity growth, Nepal must enhance infrastructure, institutions, and access to human capital development, while examining productivity indicators across key industrial value chains. A well-structured productivity strategy and master plan provide the framework for navigating this transition effectively, fostering long-term sustainability and innovation.

Purpose The APO will select a team of individuals or a research institution with extensive knowledge of and experience in conducting national productivity performance diagnosis across economic sectors, preferably for Nepal; proven know-how and contributions in developing national productivity policy roadmaps, blueprints, and strategies; and demonstrated skills and previous involvement in policy formulation/reform including strengthening institutional capacities for implementing productivity-related policies and conducting firm-level productivity analyses/surveys to develop a national productivity master plan for Nepal.
Scope of Work Preparing and proposing project methodology, approach, scope, etc. through close consultation with the APO Secretariat and NPEDC; implementing all stages of the project, including at least two visits to the country to achieve the intended output(s) under the agreed arrangement; collecting both primary and secondary data, conducting analysis/diagnosis, and confirming data/information with stakeholders including conducting on-site interviews if necessary; finalizing the report; organizing dissemination activities, attending and contributing to meetings with high-level officials, etc. following the agreed methodology and project timeline; and submitting the report to the APO Secretariat by the deadline.
Proposals Should Include the Following Information

1. Cover letter of interest including the proposed project methodology, approaches, and timeline (Annex 1).

2. Basic organizational details, profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page), or CV of the research team (Annex 2).

3. Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3).

4. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services (Annex 4):

4.1 Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

4.2 All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and   included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

4.3 All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

1. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 10 April 2025 to ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org.

2. The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Nepal by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

1. The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

1.1. Proposed methodology, approach, timeline, and sustainability

1.2. Team qualifications and expertise

1.3. Prior experience in conducting similar projects

1.4. Financial proposal and cost efficiency

2. Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

1. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution(s).

2. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution(s) of the grounds for such decisions.

3. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution.

Terms and Conditions

1. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

2. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, shall submit its queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 10 April 2025:

In-country Program Division
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org



Request for Proposals (RFP)

Request for Proposals (RFP)
Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Mongolia

Assist the Government of Mongolia in developing a national productivity master plan; formulate a sustainable productivity improvement strategy to support economic growth; and establish national mid- to long-term productivity goals and targets, including strategies and initiatives.

For more details, please see the PN and Implementation Procedures.


Mongolia’s economic growth has been driven by mineral production and exports, while its traditional agricultural sector faces significant challenges due to harsh weather conditions (APO, 2024). Labor productivity has seen notable growth, primarily due to workforce shifts between these sectors.

On the other hand, the progress of total factor productivity has been limited over the past decade, despite its role in GDP growth. The slow adoption of advanced technologies and innovation, particularly among SMEs, continues to hinder productivity. Without proactive measures, Mongolia risks stagnation in industrial efficiency and economic diversification.

To support the achievement of Vision 2050, Mongolia must foster innovation while sustaining labor economics. Investing in digital skills and enhancing SME competitiveness are crucial steps. A comprehensive productivity strategy and master plan serve as a critical framework for enhancing economic resilience, fostering competitiveness, and promoting long-term sustainable growth.

Purpose The APO will select a team of individuals or a research institution with extensive knowledge of and experience in conducting national productivity performance diagnosis across economic sectors, preferably for Mongolia; proven know-how and contributions in developing national productivity policy roadmaps, blueprints, and strategies; and demonstrated skills and previous involvement in policy formulation/reform including strengthening institutional capacities for implementing productivity-related policies and conducting firm-level productivity analyses/surveys to develop a national productivity master plan for Mongolia.
Scope of Work Preparing and proposing project methodology, approach, scope, etc. through close consultation with the APO Secretariat and Mongolian Productivity Organization (MPO); implementing all stages of the project, including at least two visits to the country to achieve the intended output(s) under the agreed arrangement; collecting both primary and secondary data, conducting analysis/diagnosis, and confirming data/information with stakeholders including conducting onsite interviews if necessary; finalizing the report; organizing dissemination activities, attending and contributing to meetings with high-level officials, etc. following the agreed methodology and project timeline; and submitting the report to the APO Secretariat by the deadline.
Proposals Should Include the Following Information

1. Cover letter of interest including the proposed project methodology, approaches, and timeline (Annex 1).

2. Basic organizational details, profile of institution (maximum 1 A4-sized page), or CV of the research team (Annex 2).

3. Experience in conducting research in similar areas (Annex 3).

4. Financial proposal to indicate the cost of services (Annex 4):

4.1 Total costs and breakdowns for conducting the research should be given only in US dollar amounts.

4.2 All national taxes and levies applicable should be stated and   included in the total costs. The APO will consider the inclusive costs as the final quoted prices when evaluating proposals.

4.3 All rates and costs quoted in financial proposals should be written in both numeric and alphabetic forms, e.g., USD2,500 (two thousand five hundred US dollars).

Download: Annexes.

Submission of Proposals

1. Proposals with all required information specified should only be sent via email in password-protected PDF file attachments signed by authorized representatives no later than 17:00 (Japan Standard Time), 18 April 2025 to ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org.

2. The subject line of the email message should be: Proposal for Development of the National Productivity Master Plan for Mongolia by <Institution name>.

Institution Selection Criteria and Notification of Results

1. The selected institution will be awarded a research contract with the APO for conducting the research, based on the following selection criteria:

1.1. Proposed methodology, approach, timeline, and sustainability

1.2. Team qualifications and expertise

1.3. Prior experience in conducting similar projects

1.4. Financial proposal and cost efficiency

2. Only the selected institution will be notified via email within 1 month of the submission deadline of the acceptance of its proposal.

Right to Accept or Reject Proposals

1. The APO reserves the right to annul the RFP or the vendor selection process, or to accept or reject any or all proposals in whole or part at any time, without stating any reason and without incurring any liability to the affected institution(s).

2. The APO is not obligated to respond to any objections or to inform the affected institution(s) of the grounds for such decisions.

3. The APO also reserves the right to change the scope of work in case of need or depending upon changes in requirements before or during the implementation phase. However, if changes are made during the implementation phase, the APO will negotiate the costs for the additional work separately with the institution.

Terms and Conditions

1. The APO will not bear any costs related to research, planning, design, or any other such activity related to the preparation of proposals in response to this RFP by institutions for sending proposals to the APO.

2. The APO may, at its own discretion, extend the submission deadline by notifying all bidders of the extension in writing. Any proposal received after the deadline will be rejected.

Contact Information

A prospective institution requiring any clarification of this document, or the process itself, shall submit its queries in writing only to the following email address by the deadline of 18 April 2025:

In-country Program Division
Asian Productivity Organization (APO Secretariat)
1-24-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Email: ssetiawati@apo-tokyo.org and mkabe@apo-tokyo.org


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