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A joint publication of the APO and ILO, this is an exploration of how an economy, a sector, or an enterprise can restructure with maximum economic [Read More]


Based on the results of a survey in 11 APO members, insights are offered on integrated policy-based approaches to reduce solid waste generation and disposal methods [Read More]


Along with a sprinkling of classic success stories from elsewhere, this volume mainly introduces Japanese niche marketing successes in a witty, friendly style that all can [Read More]

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The third volume in the series features best practices in measuring the impact of business excellence approaches, key performance indicators for SMEs, and public service excellence [Read More]


The proceedings of the 2007 International Productivity Conference, where noted speakers gave both theoretical and practical presentations on a variety of KM-oriented topics.


National reports from eight APO members show that the fostering of entrepreneurship has longer-lasting benefits than other forms of assistance, such as technology, finance, and partnership [Read More]


Summaries of nine presentations at the 2007 forum on the strategic management of technology and how it enables the continuous creation of customer value and productivity [Read More]


This compilation of seven resource papers and 13 country reports covers currently applied commercial agricultural biotechnology applications as well as those still in the R&D stage [Read More]


This volume reports the results of a 2003 survey of the legal and regulatory framework for microfinance in nine APO member countries to assist policymakers and [Read More]


An examination of the dimensions and sources of social capital, its benefits and costs, and how it affects productivity.


Legal compliance, ethical practices, and social contributions are the three dimensions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which are explored from the Japanese viewpoint.


Extension systems play key roles in raising agricultural productivity. The reports here examine innovations in extension services, including ICT-based networking, the group approach, and expansion of [Read More]


The results of a survey and reports at a follow-up symposium show how social capital and communities are changing with greater urbanization in 10 APO members.
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Estimates of postharvest produce losses vary but are massive, representing numerous types of waste which could be prevented. This compilation contains resource and country papers presented [Read More]


Based on the “success in six” model (getting started, planning, generation and evaluation of GP options, options for implementation of GP, monitoring and review, and sustaining [Read More]

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User-friendly descriptions are given to facilitate purchasing decisions resulting in a greener, sustainable society. Featuring approximately 1,000 eco-products and eco-services developed by environmentally advanced enterprises.


Based on APO demonstration projects conducted in Vietnam, 1998–2003, seven chapters and 10 village case studies show how Green Productivity can be incorporated into community development. [Read More]


This manual was designed to help NPOs and their clients conduct effective benchmarking, focusing on the “learning and sharing” aspects.


How creative entrepreneurship contributes to business growth and economic prosperity is examined from a variety of perspectives, along with critical success factors for entrepreneurs.


HACCP is the internationally recognized system for the management of food safety for all involved in the production, processing, storage, and distribution of food for human [Read More]


The risks of overreliance on chemical inputs in agriculture are widely recognized. The papers contained here point out that the success of nonpesticide approaches to controlling [Read More]


The second volume in the series updates listings in the first. Descriptions are given to facilitate purchasing decisions resulting in a greener, sustainable society. Featuring approximately [Read More]


A daily-use reference that presents six steps to success in GP, explains the 13 tasks in the GP methodology, and outlines over 80 concepts, tools, and [Read More]


The overall conclusion of the 10 country papers and integrated regional analysis in this volume is that, although they may take different forms in different national
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Survey projects on TFP conducted in 1998 and 2001 were discussed at an APO workshop in 2002, with the finalized report versions published here. Closer analysis [Read More]


The result of time- and resource-consuming R&D is IPRs, although many developing countries face difficulties in exploiting them for the expected economic returns. The various issues [Read More]


Knowledge workers are important intangible assets and key sources of competitive advantage. Survey reports from India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand illustrate how a variety [Read More]


This compendium documents the APO Best Practice Network (BPN) learning-and-sharing phase. The case studies from APO members Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand plus Australia [Read More]


While the Asian financial crisis of 1997 obviously affected banking and business, its impact on agriculture was also profound, in many cases hitting the poorest social [Read More]


The development of nonfarm jobs in rural areas leads to more stable growth of the overall economy. Papers from 17 APO member countries examine issues in [Read More]


Based on the presentations and proceedings of an APO study mission to Japan, this compilation showcases successful rural-based food-processing SMEs, many of which took a participatory [Read More]


Papers from 15 APO members conclude that agricultural diversification is a key to improved productivity and competitiveness, although several preconditions must generally be met before agricultural [Read More]


Farming sustainably in inherently fragile upland areas, which have often been subjected to intensive low-yield agriculture for centuries, requires technical and institutional inputs that are not [Read More]


Appropriate land-use planning requires that slopelands be classified with the integrated use of technologies like GIS, remote sensing, and 3D mapping, preferably combined with local knowledge, [Read More]

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