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The ninth edition of the APO Productivity Databook contains comprehensive cross-country comparisons of economic growth, structural change, and productivity performance in Asian and global reference economies, [Read More]
The research resulting in this report was based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor model showing the relationship between entrepreneurship and development. A clear distinction is made [Read More]
This guidebook is meant for NPOs aiming to introduce a business excellence (BE) model or awards for the public sector or to enhance their existing schemes. [Read More]
The report highlights initiatives taken by the APO for improving productivity and driving greener economic development as well as to address social marketing, youth employment issues, [Read More]
Influenced by the “new public management” concept, the APO and other institutions are rethinking how to measure productivity in the public sector, since its roles affect [Read More]
To assist practitioners, producers, extension workers, and related professionals in disseminating sustainable agricultural development methods, this manual contains insights and experiences of resource persons on Good [Read More]